Training Enriches Professional Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

To focus specially on developing human resources and building their capacity.

Any permanent employee of RBPLC can have the opportunity to receive training from RBTA.

Enriched resource (Internal and External) and well-trained faculty, residential accommodation, dedicated computer lab, huge library, coaching and mentoring by house tutor, recreation and entertainment, practicing creative and innovative activities and resourceful study material.

Leadership, Customer Service development, Team-working, Business communication etc.

Yes, generally we discourage training repletion in one to two years

Centrally by RBTA itself and Locally by divisional office.

Yes, some 60 participants can be accommodated at a time.

From day one to any time

As per bank’s TA/DA circular

CBS, Hardware/Network Troubleshooting, Cyber security etc

On the basis of expertise on respective area both bank and other institutions.

At present we do not arrange training for other than RBTA but we have that capacity.